Winner - Best Actor Award, New York
Best Actor Award, New York
Winner Hanna Oldenburg, Mareld
Winner of the Best Actress in a Horror Award for “Mareld”, at the Best Actor Award in New York, USA.
Best Actor Award, New York
Winner Hanna Oldenburg, Mareld
Winner of the Best Actress in a Horror Award for “Mareld”, at the Best Actor Award in New York, USA.
Won the Bronze Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the Palm Springs, USA, based Queen Palm International Film Festival, for playing Nina in “Mareld” by Nordisk Film.
Winner - Best Actress at Calcutta International Cult Film Festival 2020
Winner - Best Actress - Hanna Oldenburg
at Calcutta International Cult Film Festival, India, 2020.
Vi hade en lyckad smygpremiär av långfilmen “Mareld” igår den 13 Nov. Den hölls i Bio Victor på Filmhuset i Stockholm, i samarbete med Petré Event och Nordisk Film. Det känns så kul att äntligen visa upp den här galna filmen! Det är en film som man antingen hatar eller älskar, ett risktagande. Det är därför den är så bra - ett spännande fartfyllt experiment. Vi är sjukt stolta, och jag är mycket stolt över min rollprestation som karaktären Nina. Hoppas att ni kommer tycka om filmen lika mycket som jag gör!
På fredag 15 Nov är det officiell premiär!
We had a successful sneak preview of feature film “Mareld” last night on Nov 13th. It was held at Cinema Victor at Filmhuset in Stockholm, in collaboration with Petré Event and Nordisk Film. It feels amazing to finally present this crazy film to an audience. It’s one of those films you either hate or love, a risky film. The reason why it’s so great - a thrilling suspense filled experiment. We are so proud, and I’m very proud of my acting performance as the main character Nina. I hope you’ll enjoy this movie as much as I do!
Official premiere on Friday Nov 15th!
“MARELD” has been picked up by Nordisk Film and has distribution in all the nordic countries including Scandinavia. We are so happy and proud! We work hard on creating something completely new and unique, and it seems like we managed!
We shot this film during a few hot sunny weeks out on a sailing boat in the Swedish archipelago. The most fun we’ve had in years! We sang, drank wine and swam, running around on a tiny island with nothing but the boat, the sand, trees and the ocean. Nothing existed outside that bubble. It was magic. Also, we worked hard. Very hard. Some nights we slept 2 hours before call time the next day. That’s how you get really close on set. It was an incredible experience.
I hope you’ll like the film as much as we do. Premiere date will be released soon!